I currently serve as an evangelistic preaching voice at World Challenge, Inc. a ministry founded by David Wilkerson. I have the privilege of ministering alongside men of God I have respected for many years such as Gary Wilkerson, Carter Conlon, Tim Dilena and John Bailey. This ministry has glorified God for over fifty years by proclaiming the un-compromised gospel of Jesus Christ, preaching the whole council of God's word, world missions, compassion ministry, and supporting our brothers and sisters around the world in the persecuted church. I am also the Director of World Challenges's Pastors Network where we equip and encourage biblical pastors through our platform.
My heart's desire is to raise up ministers who will correctly and boldly preach the word with passion and integrity. The point of all my work and my writings are to preach the gospel, glorify God and to teach sound doctrine. There is a famine in the land. People don't want to hear the truth and because of this many pastors and teachers have accommodated them by preaching smooth, encouraging messages that make them feel good but does nothing to transform the hearer into the image of Christ. As long as there is air inside my lungs I will preach the full gospel of Jesus Christ and i will preach the word!
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14

"I simply loved everything about this book. Once I started I could not put it down."
-Shicole S.
"This book is a must read for any Christian! A heartfelt, truthful account of modern religion and how far the church has strayed from the truth of the gospel. This book also shares the hope we have in Christ Jesus and how we can accept his perfect gift of salvation. Excellent!"
"I've only read 2 chapters so far and I love this book. It's so good. I'm excited to read the rest of this. I plan to update later when I read more
Update: I finished the book and I LOVE it!! I think everyone should read this book."
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